
10 Signs of Aging: Causes & Treatments

10 Signs of Aging: Causes & Treatments

Aging is something everyone goes through but understands very little about. You can think of aging as "things that happen to our bodies over time."

10 Signs of Aging

  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Crow's feet, fine lines and wrinkles are the most visible and concerning signs of aging. Wrinkles typically occur when the elastin and collagen fibers that keep our skin firm and taut, deteriorate. This causes skin laxity and looseness as well as wrinkles.

      1. Dull skin

    With aging, the dewy, bright skin of youth fades. As you age, the top layer of the skin loses moisture. Thanks to the reduced moisture levels, your complexion fades. Where young and healthy skin renews within a month, aged skin takes 4 to 6 weeks to renew.

      1. Swollen hands 

    With aging, the top layers of your skin thin out. Ultimately, it comprises less of the structural proteins that provide your skin with a framework, such as collagen. As a result, your hands may become more veiny, thin and prone to creases.

    • Skin Tone Disparity

    As people age, the skin’s complexion becomes uneven. This can be attributed to the fluctuation of hormonal levels in females and to the presence of extra melanin in some areas of the skin than others. This unevenness can make skin appear older than it actually is.

    • Dry Skin

    When you are young, the moisture level in your healthy skin is high. This leads to a fresh, dewy and radiant appearance. As you start to age, your skin's ability to retain moisture deteriorates. Hence, the skin depletes. Dryness and dehydration are common characteristics of older skin.

    • Hair Loss

    Hair loss occurs when the stem cells in your hair follicles cause new hair growth to die. Environmental factors, hormone fluctuations, diet and genetics influence how rapidly hair loss occurs. It affects up to 40% of women over the age of 70, according to Healthline. Hair loss is more common amongst men than in women. Nearly 50% of men experience it after the age of 50.

    • Blotchiness or Sunspots

    As people age, it leads to the thinning of the skin. As a result, tiny blood vessels become more visible. Overexposure to UV radiation leads to age spots or liver spots that are reddish or brown in color and they grow more visible as skin ages.

    • Skin with a Rough Texture

    As the skin ages, changes in texture are evident. Due to the slowing of cell turnover and the layers of dead cells, skin that was once smooth becomes bumpy and rough on the surface.

    • Noticeable Pores

    Pores grow more noticeable as you age. This happens due to a loss of skin elasticity and gravity pulling the skin down.

    • Chest Inflammation or Hyperpigmentation

    As people get older, their chest often gets patchy discoloration. These patches of different pigmentation, such as sunspots are produced by solar damage to your cells.

    Hyperpigmentation of this type isn't typically associated with aging. Eczema or other skin disorders that damage the melanin cells in your skin can cause it.

    What causes our skin to age?

    Our skin ages due to the natural aging process, environmental influences and lifestyle choices.

    The following are the 7 key variables that cause skin to age more quickly:

    • Smoking
    • Over-exposure to the sun
    • Stress
    • Lack of sleep
    • Cold weather
    • Alcohol
    • Lack of exercise

    How to prevent signs of aging?

    • Apply sunscreen

    The most important thing you can do to prevent indications of aging is to use sunscreen with SPF 30+ every day.

    • Remove makeup properly

    Your skin's appearance might be influenced by how you wash your face.

    Use warm water and a gentle cleanser to wash your face twice a day. Before you go to bed, ensure your face is clean of foundation and any debris.

    • Keep a consistent sleep routine

    Sleep is necessary for the health of all of your body's organs, including your skin.

    Your skin could replenish and renew itself on a daily basis if you stick to a sleep pattern.

    • Maintain a healthy diet

    A well-balanced diet guarantees that your body receives all of the nutrients it requires to develop healthy skin cells.

    • Keep yourself hydrated

    Dehydration can hasten the appearance of wrinkles. Hydrate your body by drinking 8 cups of water per day.

    • Become more active

    Daily exercise improves circulation, which keeps your skin looking younger.

    • Quit smoking

    You'll allow your skin time to mend itself if you stop exposing it to the carcinogens in cigarette smoke.

    • Regulate your stress

    Make a habit of finding a stress-relieving approach that works for you. Yoga, a walk in nature, and meditation have all been shown to be effective coping methods.

    Accepting that you're aging is critical to your physical and emotional well-being. Now that you are well informed make healthy choices to keep your skin and body fit!



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